By default, Share activities are only visible to teachers. Different schools have different approaches to teaching and content, so until a teacher in your school has ‘pinned’ a Share activity to your school it will not be visible to your students. Before pinning an activity to your school, you must ensure that it is appropriate for your school just as you would with any other resource.
Then click the orange ‘share’ icon that appears next to the activity.
You can then click on the green 'pin' icon. Once pinned, this activity will be visible in the main SAM Learning menu for all users in your school, including students, and can be set as homework.
If you want to remove a pinned Share activity from your school, click the grey ‘pin’ icon that will appear, if you click on the share icon again. Once unpinned, this activity will still be visible to teachers within the Share menu, but will no longer be visible to your students or appear in the main SAM Learning menu for your school.
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